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Main information

The Centre for Development of Distance and Continuing Education is a department of Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), one of the greatest Polish universities of economics. The main aims of the Centre are to organize, promote and develop SGH e-learning activity. The Centre also deals with courses for SGH personnel and training for companies.

The aims are realized by:

  • encouraging and organizing projects concerning online education and lifelong learning,
  • carrying out research concerning e-learning,
  • developing e-learning platform www.e-sgh.pl, i.e.:
    • creating and promoting educational programs,
    • creating and implementing appropriate tools and methods of teaching,
    • encouraging individual ideas and coordinating teaching offers of SGH lecturers,
    • creating and running multimedia library.
  • organizing seminars and conferences concerning online education and lifelong learning,
  • editing e-learning magazine ‘e-mentor’ and other publications which concern online education and lifelong learning,
  • cooperation with state and foreign organizations dealing with online education and lifelong learning,
  • organizing educational projects and trainings, also for companies.



E-learning projects/Didactics

  Since June 2001 Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) supplements traditional forms of education through online lectures which are provided through three e-learning platforms:

SGH students can chose from 44 online courses dedicated to such areas as: corporate governance, business intelligence, negotiations, e-marketing, ethics, finance, entrepreneurship, law, leadership, lobbying, the European Union, mass-media, regions, quality management, development of the economy, e-learning and others.

Full-time SGH students can participate in the international online lectures Rationality and Moral Choice and Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe. The lecture is organized in cooperation with the University of Illinois, Springfield, USA. American and Polish students learn together and socialize with the help of two lecturers – one from Poland and one from the USA.

Students can also participate in Econet project which aims at developing cooperation between five Polish public universities of economics from Warsaw, Poznan, Katowice, Cracow and Wroclaw. The project is coordinated by the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education. Each lecture is attended by 25 students (five from each university). The lectures concern leadership, simulation game TEES, IT infrastructure management, strategy in advertising and making decisions. They create foundations for further cooperation in the area. 


E-mentor magazine

The magazine concentrates on such issues as e-learning, lifelong education, knowledge management and e-business and in more extensive scope – methods and forms of training on an academic level. The first issue of ‘e-mentor’ was published in October 2003. ‘E-mentor’ is mainly e-zine www.e-mentor.edu.pl which is addressed to wide range of readers interested in the subject. It also has a printed version (1200 copies) which is sent to 285 Polish educational institutions dealing with e-learning and higher education. The magazine is co-published by Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education. The average number of visits of the online version per month is almost 100 000. Our partners are such institutions as: AT Kearney, BRE Bank-mBank, Deutsche Bank, the Ministry of National Education and Sport, National Bank of Poland, MasterSolution, Allegro.pl, Plagiat.pl, IMC AG (Information Multimedia Communication) and others.

Professional trainings

– courses for companies

Aiming at fulfilling companies needs, the Centre organizes courses for companies. Depending on expectations, those are highly specialized trainings or courses developing overall qualifications, like negotiations and communication skills. They also support personal development of staff, which, as we strongly believe, contributes to the success of any company.

The distinguishing feature of our trainings are professional lecturers. They are all Warsaw School of Economics’ lecturers – experienced in teaching and experts in their area of study. They also have wide practical knowledge, which is helpful in solving companies’ problems.

The schedules of courses are strictly adjust to companies’ needs and prices depend on the number of trained staff, subject and length of the training. All participants get certificates at the end of the training. 

– courses for SGH staff

The Centre organizes also courses for SGH staff which help in career development and raising qualifications. These are mostly IT trainings, languages courses, but the Centre also organizes other trainings which expand staff qualifications. One of the most important courses are those dedicated to managers of units. aiming at developing managerial qualifications. The program of training contains interaction skills, managing skills, time management and negotiations.

– Summer University Warsaw

SUW is a 2-week-long course on economics and management organized during summer holidays, usually in July, in Warsaw. It is addressed to foreign students. SUW is a chance for international students to broaden the economic knowledge as well as to meet new cultures and people from different countries.



The Centre is also involved in carrying out research in such fields as:

  • Methodology of creating e-learning content
  • Methodology of online courses
  • Means of learning content delivery in distance education
  • Efficiency and effectiveness of distance education
  • Evaluation and e-learning
  • Optimization of a didactic process in blended learning trainings – system theory approach
  • Online courses quality standards
  • Personalization and individualization in e-learning
  • Reusable learning objects
  • A model of e-learning at the university
  • Legal and organizational conditions of e-learning
  • Philosophical backgrounds of e-learning
  • New trends in e-learning
  • Methodology of teachers’ training
  • Lifelong learning concepts and the use of new technologies
  • Lifelong learning in the organization

Detailed information can be obtained here.


Educational projects

The Centre coordinates educational projects which promote economics and management in schools, encouraging pupils to get interest in economic issues and studying economics. They are (among others):

  • the Children Economic University
  • the Academy of Young Economist
  • the Summer Academy of Economics
  • the Entrepreneurship Olympics
  • the Academy of Management Education

The Centre also promotes economic education among adults through projects, co-financed by the European Union funds.



Centrum Rozwoju Edukacji Niestacjonarnej
The Centre for Development of Distance and Continuing Education
Szkola Glowna Handlowa – Warsaw School of Economics
Al. Niepodleglosci 162 suite 150
02-554 Warsaw, Poland
email: cren@sgh.waw.pl
0048 22 337 97 24 – projects and trainings
0048 22 337 97 22 – e-sgh laboratory
0048 22 337 97 23 – secretary
fax: 0048 22 646 61 42


Contact with:

Marcin D±browski, MSc – Director, mdabrows@sgh.waw.pl

Katarzyna Miko³ajczyk, PhD – Chief Instructional Designer, katarzyna.mikolajczyk@sgh.waw.pl

Joanna Tabor, MSc – Training and Educational Project Specialist, jtabor@sgh.waw.pl