International e-learning courses
[136059-0557*] Rationality and Moral Choice
[131639-0004*] Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe
The program is organized in cooperation with University of Illinois at Springfield. The course groups consist of 15 SGH students and 15 UIS students. The courses belong to normal academic lectures and can be chosen by every SGH student.
Rationality and Moral Choice
The aim of the program is to teach basic strategies of the theory of collective action and basic elements of the theory of social capital. These strategies will be applied to business cases and generalized into a business philosophy. Practice in using English language. American strategy of problem solving in cooperation with the UIS students.
see more details
Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe
The course aims at the presentation of the transition experience of countries in Central and Eastern Europe with the special emphasis put on the results of the results and present stage of social, political and economic development.
see more details
See also:
– information about the University of Illinois at Springfield, USA
If you have any problems or questions concerning courses, please contact us:
The Centre for Development of Distance and Continuing Education (Centrum Rozwoju Edukacji Niestacjonarnej)
Warsaw School of Economics SGH (Szkola Glowna Handlowa)
Al. Niepodleglosci 162 suite 150
02-554 Warsaw, Poland
phone: 0048 22 564 97 23
fax: 0048 22 646 61 42